Brymore School Open Day / O.B.A. Re-Union.

After having had good weather for the past three years, it was inevitable that at some point we would have to suffer inclement weather and this year we did, but despite the drizzly, damp conditions the public, parents and old boys turned out in good numbers to make the day a great success again. The games field was well covered with, vintage / new tractors, veteran cars, static engines, as well as animals, food supplied care of F.O.B.S.A and a spit roast on a very ingenious piece of equipment! The refurbished Brymore School caravan was in a prominent position, as was the Bridgwater college display unit.

The school house teams put on a good tug of war tournament!

The quad area had various craft tents and displays, the main hall had a wide variety of arts and crafts for sale. Outside the dining hall a Jazz Band kept everyone ‘alive’ with music. There was a lot of interest in displays of current pupils work in various classrooms throughout the school, with practical demonstrations in the metalwork/ forge area.

The Old Boys had their ‘Lounge’ in the school’s Quiet Room; this area was well supported by memorabilia. Old Boys were asked to sign in on a large board just inside the door; there was a steady flow throughout the day by over 130 old boys, some of whom had not returned to Brymore for many years! Old Brymorian Summer Draw tickets were on sale in the Quiet Room and in the foyer of the main hall, with some 25 or so good prizes, ranging from a Colour T.V to children’s toys! Business was brisk and the draw took place at 3.30p.m. First winning ticket drawn by the Headmaster!

The Annual General Meeting of the Old Brymorians Association commenced at 5.00p.m. which was well attended.

Our membership has grown steadily since the new O.B.A was formed – 130 members in 2006, to 185 members in 2007. But there is still a lot of work to be done to reach our target figure of 300+, in order to fulfil our bursary to the school each year.

The Re-Union Supper commenced at 6.30p.m. The food was excellent; a menu of hot food was very much enjoyed by those who attended. It was back to ‘school days’ of collecting your food from the hatch! The Chairman of the O.B.A. gave thanks to the caterers and members of the O.B.A Committee and the Headmaster for his support and for providing us with their facilities for the day.


Rex Eastment: Secretary OBA

Open Day 2007










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